2024 Genetic Code Expansion Conference

August 8-10, 2024 • Corvallis, Oregon
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2024 Genetic Code Conference

August 8 to 10, 2024
The LaSells Stewart Center
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon

The GCE technology has advanced at a rapid pace in the past five years, propelled by both the development of new cutting-edge technical capabilities, and improved robustness of these tools. This has fueled a remarkable surge of interest in adopting this technology in both academic and industrial settings for countless enabling applications.

The 3rd GCE Conference aims to celebrate these advances by bringing together scientists from diverse backgrounds, including both the developers and the users of this technology. Attendees from industry, academia, and other research institutions will convene to discuss the latest technical advances and approaches that are applicable to a broad variety of fields and help identify key areas where further development is necessary. One key goal is to engage interested new users, and minimize their barrier of entry, to facilitate broader adoption of the technology. This conference will strive to catalyze a cross-pollination of ideas and the formation of new collaborative networks.

Conference Chairs

Kathrin Lang Learn More

Abhishek Chatterjee Learn More

Ryan Mehl Learn More

Upcoming Workshop

Selecting your Synthetase: Expanding GCE Chemistries
August 2-8, 2024
GCE4-All Research Center, Oregon State University

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